Saturday, March 9, 2013

Vamos a la Playa!


Recently, the other exchange students and I took a trip to the north of Peru. We left February 12 to visit Trujillo, Chiclayo, Tumbes, Sullana, and Guayaquil (Ecuador). This trip was known as the "beach trip" because we went to plenty of beaches! This trip was a like a vacation. The circled places on the map are the places we visited!

The north was beautiful and HOT!!! It was a great 12-day trip! I'll give the high-lights of the trip! 

The first couple of days we spend in Trujillo, La Libertad and Chiclayo, Lambayeque. We went to the beach! We also visited Chan Chan-- the oldest adobe civilization! We also visited several museums and tombs of the pre-Incan Moche culture. 

Next, we headed to Tumbes. We were in Tumbes for a day. While we were there, we did a tour of islands off the coast. We visited a couple of different islands. We visited an island of crocodiles, an island of birds, and an island with a beautiful beach! 

After Tumbes, came my favorite part of the trip... Guayaquil, Ecuador!! Guayaquil is a city in the southern part of Ecuador. It was so beautiful, clean, and relaxed. Although we were only there for a couple of days, I could tell the culture and life in Ecuador is very different from that of Peru. While in Guayaquil we visited the Park of Iguanas, visited several museums (my favorite was the modern art museum we visited), visited Malecón, and went on a fun bus tour that turned into a dance party. 

At the Modern Art Museum, I fell in love the artwork of Catalina Carrasco. Her artwork is so inventive and different. It was a fresh breath of air! 

Hahaha! While passing through Malecón a military band was playing. My Canadian friend, Kenya, and I love dancing to Latin music! So, naturally, we danced... alone! So much fun! I loved Ecuador so much! It was saddening when we had to leave. I enjoyed Ecuador so much, that I am considering do an exchange there in college! 

Following Ecuador, we returned to Tumbes. We stayed in Tumbes for a couple of day in beach bungalows. The beach was beautiful! We did bonfires every night. I cooked every meal with my friends, too! We had so much fun living in these bungalows together! 

After our relaxing days in Tumbes, we went to Sullana, Piura. Sullana was by farthest the hottest place we visited. I showered three times a day every day we were there. So much sweating... The Rotary club in Sullana provided us with host homes and families, cooked a barbecue, had a dinner and dance, and let us help give away wheel chairs. The Rotarians were so generous! It was great meeting so many new and kind people! 

Unfortunately, our trip came to an end February 24th. Although I was sad that our trip ended, I was very happy to be back home with my family in Lima. I love my host family so much. I truly missed them while I was on the trip. As we rode our bus back into Lima, I got the feeling that I was "back home again." Lima really feels like my home now. Lima is where I feel that I belong. I love it! Of course, Sioux City, Iowa is my real home. But I can honestly say I have more than one home. "Carry the world in your heart and everywhere feels like home." 

Shortly after returning home from my trip to the north, I went on a four-day trip with a few of exchange students to Cajamarca. Cajamarca is a department in the northern mountain region of Peru. We went to Cajamarca to give away wheelchairs to poor people in need of them. After giving away wheelchairs, we did some sight-seeing. Cajamarca was beautiful! So picturesque! We also tried the diary products that this department is known for making. Cajamarca is known for its cows haha. We visited La Colpa (a dairy farm) while in Cajamarca. We even saw the cows! Visiting La Colpa reminded me of Iowa's State Fair haha! 

Time is flying by so quickly! I start university March 15th. I'm so excited! At the end of March my family and I are taking a trip to La Punta Sal-- a beautiful beach resort in Peru. In April, the exchange students and I are taking a trip to Ica and Nasca. Plus, my host club is giving a trip to Huaras (in the mountians) to the exchange kids in my club. I have so much to look forward to! Before I know it, it will be time to go back to the U.S. But I'm not going to think about that!! I'm not ready to go back at all! 
Well, that's all I have for you today! Until next time... un besitooooo! Chauuuuuuu! 

1 comment:

  1. Eeee you're so lucky to go to so many warm places >w< It's so cold and snowy here in Sioux City, and in many of the warmest states too if you didn't know! XD

    Again awesome trip, and good luck at the university! ^^
