Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Que ràpido pasa el tiempo!

I have been in Peru for almost 6 months! I have already passed the half-way point of my exchange. I cannot believe that my stay in Peru is already half over!

I have learned so much during my exchange. My eyes have been opened to a whole other culture that includes male chauvinism, less independence, a slower and more relaxed internal clock, delicious food, and the language of Spanish. These are all things I have had to adapt to; some I'm still adapting to. I have learned so much about Peru in these past six months, and I hope to learn much more the rest of my stay!

Peru has not only taught me her culture (or should I say "his?" haha), but has taught me things about myself, too. Peru has taught me that I am mature and responsible enough handle and fix difficult situations. Peru has taught me that it's ok to ask for help. Peru has taught me to appreciate so many things-- the small things, the big things, family, support, love, things from home, things from Peru. Peru has taught me to see things from different perspectives. While in Peru, I have even realized that in college I will definitely be doing foreign exchange again. I've realized that whether it be an internship, summer job, or foreign exchange endeavor; I would like to try free-lance photography, restore ancient structures (such as Machu Picchu), or purify and find ways to purify dirty water. Peru has showed me that there is so much to discover in this world! Peru has showed me how much I love to travel and learn! I want to see the world! Peru has molded me into a more free-spirited, more willing, more mature, and more open-minded person. Peru has done so much for and to me in these six months, I can only imagine what the next five months will be like!

I am so glad that this opportunity has been given to me! The opportunity to learn a different culture, to learn a different language, to learn about myself, to see different and amazing places, to meet new and exciting people, to do service for the community, and to just make an unforgettable experience. I am very thankful that my sponsor Rotary club and district, my family, community, and Peru have given me this opportunity! This exchange has been one of the best decisions in my life!

Recently, I have had to say bye to some friends who left Peru. One friend was an inbound from Australia!  My two other friends are outbounds to Australia. Saying bye has been difficult and sad. Although, I am very excited for my outbound friends! Saying bye to my inbound friend was the hardest and the saddest. We were good friends! It's difficult to say good bye to someone when you don't know when you will see him/her next. When I left the U.S. for my exchange, I was so sad to be leaving family and friends; but, at least I knew I would be seeing them in a year. I cannot say the same about the family and friends I have made in Peru-- I don't know when I will see them next after I leave Peru. One of the saddest parts about saying good bye to my inbound friend was that I knew that would be me in only five months! In only five months I will have to say good bye to everyone and everything. But saying good bye to my outbound friends has made me realize that they will be starting a great adventure! This makes me think of the adventure I am already on, the adventure I still have left. I still have a great five months to look forward to! May the adventure continue!

Te amo, Peru! Until next time... Chau y un besito!

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