Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Este Fin de Semana Pasado...

This past weekend was quite the eventful one for me!

Friday, November 23, was the Lady Gaga concert! I went with my two host sisters. It was amazing! I loved it! Fortunately, my sisters and I found spots pretty close to the stage.

Saturday, November 24, all the exchange students did a Thanksgiving dinner. Wow, was I stuffed haha!

Sunday, November 25, while hanging clothes on the line on top of the roof, I stepped on the sky-light (it isn't covered with glass) and fell down three floors (about 6 meters, or 20 feet). I knew the sky-light was there, but I just wasn't thinking when I stepped on it. All I remember is stepping on the sky-light, starting my fall, and then being in my host dad's arms. I don't really remember actually falling. At first, after my fall, I couldn't breath! My body went into shock! Once I started breathing again I realized how much pain I was in! My whole right side of my body really hurt. My parents told me they saw how I fell, and that I fell on my right side, but I didn't hit my head. I was glad to be in my dad's arms though, I felt safe! An ambulance rushed me to the hospital where X-rays and a catscan were taken of my body. Luckily, I didn't break anything! Not even a fracture! I just have a lot of contusions. My family was so great to me! How scared and attentive they were to me really showed that my family cares and loves me! Now, I am on bed rest until Wednesday.  I feel so lucky and blessed because 1) Nothing serious happened to me from my fall, and 2) I have such a great host family!

Well, those were the high-lights of my weekend. Until next time, chao and besos!

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! ^^ Very exciting trip so far! XD Hope you continue to have fun!

    It seems quite exciting and sad to change exchange families so often! I'm learning so much about Peru from you; thank you! :D
