Monday, September 24, 2012


Hola chicos! I can't believe it has already been 2 months! It feels like the time is already starting to fly by! I want time to slow down! I love every second I spend here! 

I feel like I'm really getting the hang of Spanish! I can understand people so much better! I can speak more fluidly, too! People here say that my Spanish has improved immensely! It feels great to hear that! However, I know I still have a lot of improving to do! 

I have a funny story! A couple weeks ago I was skyping with my mom. I was telling her about the soccer games that have been going on here (you'll read about them later). I was telling her how I visited the stadium where the soccer games will be taking place. However, I could not remember how to stadium in English, only in Spanish ("estadio")! Haha! It was comical! 
At school, I got moved up to the 5th grade!!! Yay!! I was switched last Monday half-way through the day! I really like my new class! Just the atmosphere in the room feels great! I'm still the oldest haha, but I get along with everyone! Everyone is so welcoming and nice! My first day in the 5th grade I was asked so many questions! It was just like my first day of school haha! Now, I get to go to "Promocion" ("Prom" for short). Promocion is not the same as the prom dance in the U.S. Promocion is the graduating ceremony and then party for the graduating class. The party is like a dance, but isn't super formal. Girls wear dresses, but just short ones. And you can have a date if you want! Looks like I have to go dress shopping haha! Because I will be graduating high school, I get to go to university for the second half of my stay in Peru! That will be such a great experience! 

I have learned some interesting things about Peru's culture. For example, when a woman says "no" to a man, the man still takes her response as a "yes." So how do you really say no to a Peruvian man? You have to offend them. You have to give them a serious look of disinterest, to the point where it is offending and then say "no." 

I have also learned that in the mountains of Peru, domestic violence is common and normal. This means that it's ok for a man to hit his wife. In fact, when a woman hits a man, this means she wants to be hit in return! I may think this is crazy, but in the mountains it's just the culture. 

People here seemed to be pretty laid-back, or at least in my host family. But I feel like Peruvian culture in general is relaxed. People never seem to actually get mad about things; they just laugh them off. I'm hoping this is a quality that rubs off on me! 

Here are some popular songs in Peru that I really enjoy:

About a week ago, my host family and I went out for dinner at a seafood restaurant. Because we live on the coast, seafood is very popular in Lima. Check out what we had to eat!

My plate is the closet one in the picture with just the fish and rice. I'm not a big seafood person. Can you tell? Haha

Sofia's plate! This is spicy ceviche!

This is Rodrigo's plate (Ro is a family friend). His plate consists of Spanish rice with squid (similar to Paella from Spain), calamari, and ceviche.

This is Veronica's plate! It consisted octopus, ceviche, and causa de cangrejo (cangrejo=crab). Causa de cangrejo is a potato stuffed with a crab cream. 

I bet my dad is drooling with jealousy over the meals I get to eat here! He loves seafood! Haha!

Activities I Have Done
A few weekends ago, my grandma took Sofia and I on a tour of the center of Lima. It was beautiful! We got to see where the president lives! Most of the center is still in it's colonial structure, too! 
Sofia and I posing for the Prez! 

A couple of weeks ago I volunteered with San Borja Sur to fundraise money for La Liga Contra el Cáncer. We walked through the streets, rode on the buses, and sang songs to collect donations for cancer patients. I had fun doing it! Here's the crew!

A couple weeks ago Peru played two games to enter the World Cup. The first game was against Venezuela. We won! The second game was against Argentina. We tied! Our next game isn't for a month or so and is again Bolivia in Bolivia. Viva el Perú! My family and our friends all hung out in my mom's room for the games! Before the game against Argentina, Rodrigo took Sofia, Vero, and I to the stadium (in Lima) where Peru would be playing! It was cool! He also got us jerseys to wear for the game! I have my sweatshirt on, but my jersey looks just like the one Sofia is wearing!

Yesterday, I volunteered with San Borja Sur at Policlinico Japon-Peruano! This is a clinic that offers medical service at a very cheap price. This clinic is for the poor in Lima. For example, it only costs 5 sols (that's almost $2) for a pediatric check-up. We volunteered from 9-12. We colored pictures with kids waiting for their check-ups. I even helped doctors in their offices giving kids check-ups. We also donated more wheel chairs to people at this clinic. After the clinic, we went to an orphanage. We volunteered from 12-1 at the orphanage coloring with the kids and serving them snacks. 

Activities to Look Forward to...

  • I'm going to the Lady Gaga concert in Lima!!!!!! Awwwwww! I'm so excited! It's in November! I have my ticket! All I need now is some glitter lipstick!

  • I go on my trip to the south of Peru on Friday! We have so many fun things planned! It will be a ten-day trip! I can't wait to tell you all about it!
  • There are many English academies in Lima. I really want to help volunteer at them! Hopefully, I can work this out!
  • On October 14, I will be running a 5k to fundraise money to construct La Casa Pasitos, a center of rehabilitation and an orphanage for handicap people.

That's all I have for you for now! Until next time, chaofa!! Besitos! 

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