Monday, July 30, 2012

Hola Peru! Chao Sioux City!

I am finally in Miraflores, Lima, Peru! When I arrived at the airport, my host mother picked me up. Other Rotary members were there, too! Everyone greeted me by saying, "Hola! Bienvenidos!" and then kissing me on my cheek. People in Peru are so welcoming!

Miraflores is very beautiful! It is one of the safest and cleanest districts in Lima! It very Americanized haha! Although Miraflores has its own local businesses, it has several American businesses and restaurants such as TGIF, McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks, etc. I have already eaten KFC and McDonald's haha! But I have had typical dishes such as arroz con pollo (rice with chicken) and a plate that includes beef, fried potatoes, onions, tomatoes, and peppers (the name of the plate in Spanish has slipped my mind). Peruvian food is good! In fact, Peru is known for its gastronomy. Peru is thought as having the best food in the world! I have tried other foods such as rice and egg. You mix the yoke of the egg with the rice and eat it. This I did not like haha. But I also tried choclo con queso (corn with cheese)! This I loved!! The kernels of the corn in Peru are so much bigger than the kernels of corn in Iowa haha! However, Iowan corn is much sweeter! I still want to try ceviche (fish dish), cut (fried guinea pig), and anticuchos (fried cow heart and vegetables on a stick).

I live in an apartment with my host family. In Lima, it is common and most economical to live in apartments. The apartment I live in is very big!! I have my own bedroom and bathroom haha!! It's great! My host family is very nice! My host mother is Veronica (Vero for short). I have two younger sisters: Sofia (9-years-old) and Fernanda (15-years-old). Fernanda will be doing foreign exchange in Missouri this year. She leaves in a few days for the U.S. Everyone in Peru is very welcoming and nice! Everyone is generous enough to take the time to explain things for me and help me with my Spanish! OMG!!! Peruvians speak Spanish so fast! They also shorten words up and almost blend there words! It is hard to keep up haha! The language barrier makes adapting hard, but I am learning!

My first night in Peru, I went to a camp that Vero works at as the camp psychologist. I stayed in a cabin with Vero and other girls. The camp is called El Campamento Fortin. The camp is for anyone of any age to help people reconnect with their inter-child! On Sunday, my first day in Peru, I spent the entire day watching the kids do fun activities at the camp. I took plenty of pictures! One activity they did was a "Paint War." The kids threw water balloons and splashed paint on each other. After the camp, my family and I returned home. After dinner, I unpacked until midnight haha! My family was astonished at how many suitcases I had haha! I had four suitcases!

On Monday, I started attending Spanish classes at the International High School with the other exchange students! I like this class because I get to learn and be with other people who are in the same position as I am-- new home, new language, and new customs. I have Spanish class for the rest of the week. Next week I start school at El Colegio Pamer de Barranco. Kids at this school usually take 14 courses in one week for the entire year. However, I only have to take 5 classes. I have been told that school at Pamer is very serious and very hard. Hopefully, I survive academically haha!

Monday night I went out with Fernanda and her friends for coffee! I had a lot of fun! Miraflores is so beautiful! I cannot wait to see more of it and Lima and Peru! I would like to see the famous Farro (lighthouse), the museums, Kennedy Park, and more! I will also visit historical sites such as Machu Picchu with the other exchange students while I am here!

On Tuesday, I have a dinner for the Rotary. The dinner is for welcoming the exchange students. I am sure this will be fun! Plus, I will get to meet more people!

I am not going to lie, I miss my friends, family, and home so much!! I have been pretty homesick, but I keep telling myself to stay focused on all the fun things I will be doing! In a couple months I should be fluent according to my teachers and I will have an easier time adapting and feeling less homesick!

Well that is all I have to blog about for now! I will continue to update when I can!

Chao! (*kiss on the cheek*)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


The big day is almost here!!!

I started packing for my year-long trip this past Monday night! Wow, packing for an entire year is difficult! Plus, I'm not just packing warm weather clothing. I still I have to pack clothes for cold weather, too! The geography and climate of Peru is so diverse! For example, my host mother was telling me that 6 hours from a beach in Peru is a snowy mountain. So I can go from wearing a swimsuit one day to wearing a winter coat the next day!!

Oh, I am soooooo excited for Peru! I cannot wait! I leave this Saturday, July 28th! It's a 12-hour trip, but it will all be worth it when I meet my new friends and family! I am staying with the Romero family in Miraflores, Lima. And I will be part of the San Borja Sur Rotary Club and attending school at el Colegio Pamer de Barranco.

Here is a picture of Miraflores, Lima, Peru to get an idea of how beautiful and amazing this experience is going to be!